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Generate stunning, personalized images using our cutting-edge AI model. Upload a few pictures of you, and we’ll do the rest—no complicated setup, no experience required. Just a few clicks to bring your imagination to life.

Hero Visual

How It Works

Upload a few clear photos of yourself, let us process them, and then describe what you want to see—our AI will do the rest. That’s pretty much it! Our AI is designed to learn from your images and output new ones based on your text prompts.

Why Use CinematicSpark?

Enhance your personal brand with customized, professional-looking images.

Spice up social media posts with fun and unique representations of yourself.

Generate creative photos for your portfolio or personal projects.

Experiment with wild, imaginative prompts that portray you in completely new scenarios.

Choosing the Right Photos

  • Include close-up shots that capture your face clearly.
  • Full-body photos help the AI understand your proportions.
  • Always ensure you’re the only person in the image.
  • Good lighting and a variety of angles can improve accuracy.

The Details

Image Resolution: The output images are 1024x1024 pixels.

Privacy & Ownership: You own your generated images completely. We keep your images private, and they won't be shared publicly without your permission.

Backend Model: CinematicSpark uses Flux, a state-of-the-art text-to-image generation model, to deliver photorealistic results.


It’s free for now, but we may introduce paid plans in the future. Get started today—no account needed!

Crafting an Effective Prompt

  • Describe the style or theme (e.g. “in a neon cyberpunk city” or “in an 18th-century portrait”).
  • Specify any special attributes (e.g. “wearing a red suit,” “carrying a surfboard”).
  • Keep it clear and concise for best results.
  • Have fun experimenting with different prompts!

Ready to Spark Your Imagination?

Try CinematicSpark now and see where your creativity takes you.